Padrig was just opening his eyes after a long trip. I mean after all it was not everyday that he go to back to the United States. He had been gone with his parents in the jungles of Panama doing research for a government research agency . Panama was an amazing place but sometimes the harsh climate and lack of civilization was enough to drive a person batty. Truth be told it had been quite some time and he looked forward to a much deserved rest. Happy to be home and looking forward to spending some time with his old friends and cruising to the beach for some summer fun his feet hit the floor and he was off running.
Not wanting to waste any time Padrig quickly tossed a frozen Jimmy Dean sausage biscuit in the microwave and set the timer. The buzzer went off and trying to juggle a super hot plastic wrapper and and even hotter cup of coffee he flew to the garage and opened the door so fast it knocked some of the rust off. Inside was his baby!, well okay maybe not exactly baby but more like the p.o.s car he got stuck with. There she was in her majesty a 1969 white 4 door Chevy Nova that used to be a cab. It was yellow back then but now the super cheap white paint job and seat covers made it look like something Casper the Ghost would drive or maybe the Ghost Busters. Nonetheless those were my wheels and well it was just a little better than riding the bus. I just tried to hide my face when I drove with those real big sunglasses that seniors wear so no one would see me or recognize me.
When I arrived at the beach it was pretty vacant. The sun was out and the sound of the waves washing up ever so lightly on the shore made for a beautiful day.There were a few vendors with bracelets made of seashells and the refreshment stand was open so I stopped and bought a drink with my last $1.00 after filling the beast with gasoline. other than that there hardly no one around. Taking advantage of this I stopped to check out some of the stands and see if there was a cool souvenir I could take back to Panama with me when we headed back for the next tour in a couple of weeks. There was this stand that had some unusual things. Not the normal beach fashionista Shells and Beach T-Shirts kind of place it was a one off with some really neat trinkets. One item that really caught my attention was a small polished rock sitting all by itself with a bunch of little polished rocks in a circle on top. The little rocks had eyes painted on them and little faces with various expressions and right in the middle of this little group of rock people was a small wooden sign that said ( Rock Concert).
I was tickled pink being a big time music lover and specially rock n roll. I thought that was the neatest thing I had ever seen. Much to my dismay I did not have any money left and the hefty $1.50 price tag was way out of my range at the moment. The Rock Concert would certainly end up in a good home I thought as I walked away. What a shame I had spent all my cash perhaps I would be lucky enough some day and find another one. With only a short time left before we headed back to the jungles. I headed back to meet up with friends and share the story about my little find even if I was not able to buy it. It is weird that the impression that novelty made on me was ever lasting and it was not likely that I would ever forget it.
This morning for fun I did a Google search and sure enough there it is. I thought I would post a pic and write this story for fun. Apparently these are used as lawn ornaments and the possibilities are endless as to what you could do with these. Well have fun everyone! Peace!